Friday, December 5, 2014

"The List"--Splickety Magazine 3.4 Release

Today marks the release date of my most recent publication "The List" featured in Splickety Prime 3.4. This marks the second work I have had published through Splickety. You can view a short description of my first story on my Works Published page.
Splickety Prime 3.4
Perhaps one of the most dreadful questions a reader can ask is "What is your story about?" Before you ask, it’s about Christmas. Because the story is flash fiction—less than 1,000 words—I will refrain from describing the entire story. Instead, I will address a few things related to writing this story.
I first came up with the idea for this story a few years ago, but the story didn’t actually develop until this past summer. I was tired of all the trite Christmas stories that all seem to tell the same story, so I decided to write something different.
One story that served as inspiration, although it may not directly influence my story, is Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Although families may watch the film version to the point of quoting it word-for-word, the story still portrays the realistic importance of life and death through fantastical means.
On the other hand, my intention of writing “The List” is not to deemphasize the importance of the church or of the nativity story. For those of you who have already read my story, this might make more sense. To me, the best Christmas story will always be the nativity story.
Have a warm, merry Christmas!
What are some of your favorite Christmas stories? Do you have any questions concerning “The List”? I'd like to hear your thoughts!
Literary references: Splickety Magazine, Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, and the Holy Bible.

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